Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year

Just a couple of days ago we said goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013.  Rich and I didn't have any wild NYE plans this year and even though the girls were on vacation with my parents. We did have a great time though with a great meal at home and the movie New Year's Eve.  I fell asleep early and didn't make it to midnight but in my own way I ushered Ina new year. 2012 was full of a lot of great memories for our family. Avery started preschool, Jolie gratuated VPK and started Kindergarten, Jolie lost her first tooth, Avery started talking....a ton, the girls got bigger and prettier and made their Daddy and I proud! I had a great year....started my job at Coke last January, finished an extension to the sorority house, and wonHouse Corporation award!

Now, I just have so much hope for 2013....I hope for love and peace for all of us.  I hope for the girls to be happy, have fun, and learn much. I hope for Rich and I to continue to build our relationship and find more ways to celebrate the small moments. My word of 2013 will be hope and with it I planto find myself even more in 2013. Happy New Year!

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