Wednesday, November 3, 2010

30 Days of Thanks: Days 1-3

Okay so all over blog-land there are people doing 30 Days of Thanks for the month of November, I have thought since Monday, that this was a GREAT idea, however, I have been just CRAZY this week and haven't gotten started on my list yet so I figured I would just combine the first three days and try to stay on target from there, we'll see how that goes, there might be several catch up post throughout the month, life as a pregnant, working Mom with a three year old isn't always easy.  So here is the start:

November 1st, Day 1:
I have to say I think the one thing I am most thankful for is my husband.  My husband Rich truly is amazing, he amazes me everyday, he is the best Dad to our daughter, he is so sweet and sensitive with her it amazes me.  When we were dating and I knew he was the one I would have never imagined how amazing he would be with our children.  Jolie is the apple of his eye and he is so sweet on her and caring, I know he will be the same way for Avery, it is truly inspirational.  Not only is he great with her but I have to say he is great to me, he helps me so much, especially now that I am pregnant, he helps me get up all the time (especially when I feel stuck on the floor), he will get me a drink, he tries to be sure I am happy and comfortable all the time, he does tons of chores around the house just to make things easier for me.  I love him with everything I am and I know sometimes I don't thank him at all for all he does let alone thank him enough.  Rich is my best friend and the person I turn to in every situation good or bad but he is also the one that so often becomes my punching bag when other things like work aren't going well and while it isn't fair to him he often gets whatever is left of me after everyone else gets there piece and often that isn't much nor is it the nicest side of me.  I know that I need to work on that but I appreciate that my husband loves me enough and is in this marriage enough to take it.  We have had our fair share of ups and downs but when the bottom line comes there is always still me and him, together and I think that might be the most important part.  Rich is really my better half and just a true joy of a husband and I am so thankful for all that he is and all that he does not just for me but for our family, he is truly an amazing man and I love him more than I can ever express.

November 2, Day 2
The other super important person in my life is Jolie and I am so thankful for her and all that she has brought to my life.  Jolie has a smile that lights up my heart and my life, she is so cute!  I know that every mother thinks that their child is the best but I have so say I really think God out did Himself when he made Jolie, she is so special to not just me but her Dad and our entire family.  She is funny and smart, she is beautiful and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her take in the world and seeing the little things in life through the innocent eyes of a child, the world is just so much prettier as a child.  I have so loved the hugs and kisses that she gives of so freely, I love when I am dropping her off for school in the morning and she turns back and runs back to me to give me just one more hug and one more kiss, it is amazing and brightens my day.  Jolie is just so sweet and loving and dispenses hugs and kisses so freely and I absolutely love it!!  I am thankful that she is so much of both Rich and I and so thankful that God entrusted us with such an amazing gift.

November 3, Day 3
Since I have spent the last two days being thankful for the people in my life I think I will make it three days in a row of being thankful for amazing people.  The other super important people in my life are my parents I am just so grateful for all they have done for me and all they continue to do.for my family.  My parents did anything and everything for me when I was a child and living in their house but I have to say they have never stopped doing for me and my family, my Mom still gives me a little spending cash from time to time or buys me groceries just because.  She is always on the look out while shopping for things for me or things for Jolie, she even has a new wardrobe working for Avery who isn't even here yet.  She is always willing to help me and Rich with Jolie and tends to give us several weekend mornings to sleep in which is amazing!!  My parents love me and my family so much it is just inspiring, they have taught me so much about family and about raising a family and I can just hope that I can instill in my girls what they have taught me.  I hope to be as good of a parent as my parents have been to me. I am just so incredibly thankful for all that my parents do for me, the help with Jolie, the spontaneous gifts, and the love which is most important of all.

I have to say that the  4 people that I spent the first 3 days of my month of thanks being thankful for really are the love of my life and truly the best of what I am and what I have, they all make me want to be a better person and I thank them for EVERYTHING!!!

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