Sunday, June 27, 2010
So Jolie has been gone to North Carolina since Wednesday and I have to admit that yesterday Rich and I looked at each other in utter amazement of how quite our house was. I have to say it was nice to clean the house and have it stay that way and it has been nice to get a nap in the last two days but I just don't think I love the quite and well I guess the good part is I don't have to like it because it won't last long. Rich and I are headed up to North Carolina on Friday so we will be right back in the mix and Jolie has tons of things that she wants to do and show us. And well come December I don't think our house will ever be quite again so we won't have to worry about the strangeness of it all for long.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Packing Jolie up....
Tonight I will finish packing little Jolie up for her vacation. She is going with my parents to their house in the mountains, she is so excited and been on her very own countdown for the last week. She has put together a few toys to take with her and has even informed us of all the things she is going to do when she gets there!! According to Jolie she will be seeing goats, cows, and horses and will be going to pick blueberries. The good news is Mimi and Poppy have planned to take Jolie on a farm tour this weekend and she is going to get her wish and see all of those things. We even have plans to take her on a pony ride when Rich and I get there!! Rich and I will be child free until Friday, July 2nd when we head up to meet with my parents and Jolie, it is going to be so quite at our house without her but Rich and I have tons of projects to complete at the house so this will be a much needed kid free break. I can't believe it won't be long until there are two little ones to care for, I have a feeling the first several months are truly going to be crazy, it is going to mean adjusting so much of our schedules to accommodate for two. I think there might be a bigger adjustment to having two then to having one, now we feel like we have a routine with one and all that is going to change with two, although I am so excited about completing our family as this will be our final child! Rich and I will so miss Jolie while she is gone but what better way to spend her summer vacation then with Mimi and Poppy in the Mountains!?! She is going to have a BLAST!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pregnancy Update
So I have been totally slacking and not updating anything about my pregnancy lately. So here is what is going on....
I am 13 weeks along, for the most part I feel great, I do however get some crazy bad heartburn from time to time, well actually pretty often but I am living with it. The only other real problem I am having is a small issue with my previous C-Section scar, it isn't going to bust open or anything, although I will say there were a few days that I thought it might. But I do have a little herniation along the scar but there isn't anything they can do for it until I deliver so I have a band to where to support it and I have to be careful lifting anything and really careful when I cough or laugh because that is what makes it hurt the most. Other than that things are good. We had our nuchal test last week Monday and on Thursday we got the phone call saying all was good and normal so things are progressing well. We asked at the ultrasound last week if they could tell gender and they had a guess but not a concrete answer so we are still waiting on that. We have already picked one girl name and one boy name so we are just waiting to hear for sure what we are having. Jolie keeps saying that she is having a baby brother so let's see if she is right in the end. Jolie has also informed us that whether it is a girl or a boy she would like to name the baby "Poco", for obvious reasons that will not be happening! It is so sweet to see Jolie play lately though because she is all about her dolls and takes such extra good care of them, I am sure she will be a super Big Sister. We aren't scheduled to go back to the doctor until after we get back from vacation on July 12th so until then all is good with pregnancy. I do plan on posting a weekly belly picture starting this week so I promise to get on that with the start of the 2nd trimester!
I am 13 weeks along, for the most part I feel great, I do however get some crazy bad heartburn from time to time, well actually pretty often but I am living with it. The only other real problem I am having is a small issue with my previous C-Section scar, it isn't going to bust open or anything, although I will say there were a few days that I thought it might. But I do have a little herniation along the scar but there isn't anything they can do for it until I deliver so I have a band to where to support it and I have to be careful lifting anything and really careful when I cough or laugh because that is what makes it hurt the most. Other than that things are good. We had our nuchal test last week Monday and on Thursday we got the phone call saying all was good and normal so things are progressing well. We asked at the ultrasound last week if they could tell gender and they had a guess but not a concrete answer so we are still waiting on that. We have already picked one girl name and one boy name so we are just waiting to hear for sure what we are having. Jolie keeps saying that she is having a baby brother so let's see if she is right in the end. Jolie has also informed us that whether it is a girl or a boy she would like to name the baby "Poco", for obvious reasons that will not be happening! It is so sweet to see Jolie play lately though because she is all about her dolls and takes such extra good care of them, I am sure she will be a super Big Sister. We aren't scheduled to go back to the doctor until after we get back from vacation on July 12th so until then all is good with pregnancy. I do plan on posting a weekly belly picture starting this week so I promise to get on that with the start of the 2nd trimester!
Father's Day
I know I am a day late today but I wanted to recognize not only my own father but the amazing father of my children......
I have an amazing father, he has spent his life looking out for me, taking care of me, supporting me, and just being an amazing father. I have cherished all the times that we hung out doing anything at all or nothing at all and just smiling and laughing. Not only was my Dad amazing to me but I just love seeing him with my daughter, and she just adores her "Poppy". Thanks Dad for everything you do for me and all you have spent your life doing!
For my wonderful husband, you are an amazing father, you have turned into such a strong man but have such a loving nature with our daughter, and wow does she ever love you!! I see the two of you together and it makes me smile, it makes me so glad that we choose each other! I can't wait to see you with Baby Perillo 2 when the time comes because I know you will once again be amazing with him/her. Thanks for all you do for our family, I truly appreciate it ALL!!!
I have an amazing father, he has spent his life looking out for me, taking care of me, supporting me, and just being an amazing father. I have cherished all the times that we hung out doing anything at all or nothing at all and just smiling and laughing. Not only was my Dad amazing to me but I just love seeing him with my daughter, and she just adores her "Poppy". Thanks Dad for everything you do for me and all you have spent your life doing!
For my wonderful husband, you are an amazing father, you have turned into such a strong man but have such a loving nature with our daughter, and wow does she ever love you!! I see the two of you together and it makes me smile, it makes me so glad that we choose each other! I can't wait to see you with Baby Perillo 2 when the time comes because I know you will once again be amazing with him/her. Thanks for all you do for our family, I truly appreciate it ALL!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Show us you life....China Patterns

When Rich and I got married we didn't register for China, we did register for really nice, over sized regular dishes that I love, they can go in the microwave and the dishwasher which is a must with our busy lives. But we received "hand me down" china from my Grandmother. My Grandmother was an only child of rather wealthy parents and they had tons of china, I think she has four or five different full sets. She allowed me to pick one and bring it home, I picked the one that had always been my favorite and was the one that her Father (my Great Grandfather) kept at his home in Washington State, it was a full set of service for 8 along with the silver pattern that he kept with it. Knowing that we have a rather large family my Grandmother felt it would be best if the service was a little larger so she contacted a China Replacement Service and bought for us 5 additional complete settings, that would give us service for 12 and one to spare for any accidents. Thankfully we are still sitting at service for 13. Now, on to the specifics, we have Lenox Harvest, it was one of the most common and long running patterns of Lenox China EVER, however, what most people don't realize is that it changed slightly several times and has three spin off settings so when replacing you have to be sure to get items from the same time frame as the rest. We have the Circa 1940 set and I love it. Above is a picture of the pattern that we have. I have to say we rarely use it but we do love it and it is so nice to have something from my Grandmother's family.
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