Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

I know I am a day late today but I wanted to recognize not only my own father but the amazing father of my children......

I have an amazing father, he has spent his life looking out for me, taking care of me, supporting me, and just being an amazing father. I have cherished all the times that we hung out doing anything at all or nothing at all and just smiling and laughing. Not only was my Dad amazing to me but I just love seeing him with my daughter, and she just adores her "Poppy". Thanks Dad for everything you do for me and all you have spent your life doing!

For my wonderful husband, you are an amazing father, you have turned into such a strong man but have such a loving nature with our daughter, and wow does she ever love you!! I see the two of you together and it makes me smile, it makes me so glad that we choose each other! I can't wait to see you with Baby Perillo 2 when the time comes because I know you will once again be amazing with him/her. Thanks for all you do for our family, I truly appreciate it ALL!!!

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