As you can see there is stuff just tossed everywhere and nothing is easy to find. As I cleaned I took note to dates and threw away things that were out dated or for whatever reason were no good. I can honestly say it feels great to know what we have and where things are. We even recently added some command hooks to the inside of the pantry to hang up all of our Publix bags, that is really nice too. Below are the finished pictures and there is so much more room and we know where things are....I love it!!!

I love that I made the bottom shelf a snack shelf of things that Jolie can have so so can actually go in there and get out her own snack, with us watching at least. I also put her little snack cups on the floor part along with napkins and paper plates. I don't know that the pictures make it look that much better but trust me it is. I am totally excited to have an organized space, now I just have to get to the regular cleaning that has to get done today....
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