Okay, so I am not quite sure where yesterday ended and today began because it was 12:30 am when Avery was crying from her crib and I can honestly say I had just fallen asleep less than an hour before, for some reason I laid in bed last night watching TV and couldn't get to sleep even though I was tired. But I got up and gave Avery a bottle and held her for a little bit and put her back down to sleep. I got back in my bed and went right back to sleep, thank goodness!
6:45 am I hear Avery talking on the monitor. Rich gets up and makes a bottle and I get Avery up and dressed. Avery also had a leaky diaper so Rich changed her sheets as she ate. Jolie was also up at this point so she got in our bed and watched a little TV. Rich took a shower. Once Avery was done I got Jolie and myself dressed and we headed downstairs for breakfast.
7:15 am I feed Jolie breakfast, Rich makes coffee, and we pack lunches. Rich leaves for work and I finish getting Jolie ready for school.
8:20 am I load the kids in the car to take Jolie to school, we talk to my parents on the way, nothing too exciting.
9:00 am On the way home from the school Avery and I stop at the Hess Gas Station to grab a newspaper as the meat market sale ad is in there today, we get that. There is a Thursday coupon for boneless skinless chicken breast, it is on sale with the coupon in the paper tomorrow for $1.59/lb. when you buy 10lbs. or more, so I decide that is worth waiting til tomorrow for. We get home and play, Avery is slightly cranky, maybe because she was up in the middle of the night, just a guess!
10:20 am I feed Avery a mini bottle, she only eats half but looks super tired so I put her down for a nap. While she sleeps I make a grocery list and get the coupons together, I opted not to do that last night, oops! So I get all that info together. There were some great BOGO's and I had some real good coupons, it made me excited, I have to admit!
11:45 am Avery wakes up and we head out to the store, she is happy and good in the store, everyone talks to her, she loved it! I ended up saving just over $50 in coupons and sales, only spent $48 out of pocket, I am getting so good at this and I love it!
12:45 pm We arrive home and I get the cold stuff put away and then get lunch ready for Avery and myself, since I didn't eat during her nap we ate together today. Avery finished off another baby food jar, yes!!! My collection is growing!!
1:45 pm Lunch is done, dishes are in the sink and the highchair and table are wiped down. Avery plays in her step and play while I take a few orders for work and start typing this post. I feel totally behind today and realize that is actually going to rain today so I scratch the idea of going to Ikea for today, I think I will go on Friday and take Jolie and leave Avery with Rich since we are all home on Friday as it is a school holiday.
2:00 pm I feed Avery a bottle, she really didn't finish it either, not sure what that is about as most the time she sucks them dry. She is eating more food now though so that could be it.
2:30 pm Avery is just a fussy mess, I put her down for her nap. She made a few noises that I heard on the monitor but she slept well. I spend a couple of minutes just sitting on the couch and enjoy the quite. I then get up and put the dry good groceries away and load/unload the dishwasher. I start thinking about dinner for the night, we are having yellow rice and chicken, I am making fresh steamed brocolli, and cuban bread and butter, obviously I went to the store today because I wouldn't always have that much fresh stuff in my house. Although I have to say I have become a fan of some of these frozen veggies. I even bought 4 bags today on BOGO plus I had a $1.00 off two bag coupon. With the rising cost of "healthy" foods (fruits, veggies, and meats) I have had to get creative with coupons and sales. I have started using a local meat market that runs great specials for all of our meats as I refuse to pay the price of Publix meats, I mean their boneless, skinless chicken is about $4 a pound, that just doesn't work for me and obviously I do a few nights for less as well but I still pull a weekly average of about $5-6 a day for dinner and then lunch is actually a little more because of the convience foods that are factored in. However, I am getting better as I have started buying whatever deli meat is on sale at the meat market for $3.99/lb. so that is also helping! Anyways, enough of my grocery philosiphies and ways. I also decided at the end of Avery's nap time to make Rich a little treat so I made some witches hats, they are by far Rich's favorite fall treat so he was thrilled when he got home.
4:00 pm Avery woke up from her nap and was super cute in the monitor just talking away. I went upstairs and got her and we came downstairs for her snack. We played a little bit and she hung out in her step and play as I finished up some orders for work. Then she finished her bottle from earlier.
5:15 pm Rich and Jolie arrived home, we all just hung out. Rich had a big lunch at work with a friend so he wasn't up for a big dinner so him and I kind of skipped dinner, which was fine with me, I wasn't that hungry either.
6:00 pm Rich and I fed the kids dinner and sat with them at the dining room table.
7:00 pm Rich gave Jolie a bath and I watched Avery in her room while she played. After Jolie's bath she came in and played a little too.
8:00 pm I put Avery to bed and Rich put Jolie to bed.
It is currently a little after nine and Rich is laying on one couch and I am on the other typing this post and thinking about how I am ready to go to bed and relax. I didn't get as much done today as I had hoped but it is what it is I guess, today kind of felt like a vacation day in it's own little way. I didn't do as much for work so that was nice. I do still have a ton of stuff I wanted to get accomplished but watching a baby and getting heavy duty cleaning done is next to impossible. So over the weekend I am going to try to get a little bit done while Rich helps with the kids, we shall see if that works out for me!! But I am tired today and the weather tonight is awesome so I am ready to go lay in my bed with the bedroom windows up and go to sleep to the quiet night breezes, now that sounds a little like a vacation!! Well strike the vacation thing, Jolie just came downstairs crying about the fact that her TV turned off, we set the sleep timer to it and most nights she is fast asleep before it cuts out, tonight is not one of those nights and Rich is off to get her back down and I am off to assist in that, good night!
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