Thursday, September 30, 2010

Feeling Better.....

So I figured I would write a quick post tonight to let everyone know that I can I honestly say I am feeling much better.  I will say it has been a long week and today was a really long day with the end of the month but I really do feel better so that is good news in my book.  I have even made plans to do a few things around the house over the weekend, we are actually going to hang things on the walls on Sunday, so I look forward to that.  Plus I am going to find some sort of little craft project to do, I am thinking of pumpkins out of toliet paper that I saw on one of the blogs I read, you can find it here if you are looking for a quick and an easy project for the weekend.  I think I might also try to find the time to wander down the aisles of JoAnn's and just look for things and I need to buy some paint and general craft suppilies.  And honestly I would love to hit a garage sale or two but I think I might settle for a trip to the Thirfty Store or Goodwill just to check it out.  But the moral is I feel so much better it is a blessing, if only it was the weekend already!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Wreath

So on Saturday while I was laying down resting I did manage to get a little crafting done.  I made the wreath below for our front door for the fall season, I got inspiration from this post at The DIY Showoff, I love that blog, she has GREAT ideas check it out!  I should have taken some photos before and during but I got so into it and it was so easy there just wasn't time, the good thing is if you check out my inspiration post she has along the way pictures and directions.  So I pretty much followed her instructions except before I started I pushed in the stems of fall leaves/pumpkins.  Then I followed with the squares of burlap and glue except I used tacky glue instead of Gorilla Glue.  Then I painted the welcome sign in a mix I made myself of orange and brown paint and just hot glued that on where it touched.  Here are the final results!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finally going home, still not sure what is going on but Avery looks and sounds great and that is what is most important.
We made our first difficult parental choice for Avery & had a CT scan to rule out a blood clot in my lungs, waiting for results now.
So it isn't my what you might ask, we are asking the same thing but have no answers we are in the regular ER now.
We are at the hospital, hooked up to equipment. Avery looks good but we are waiting to find out about me.

An absolutely CRAZY week....

So much like the weeks previous it has been crazy, although I think this one takes the cake.  Work as usual was busy Monday through Thursday were just filled with the normal craziness of work, appointments and proposals, orders with missing items, events, all the norm.  I have been extremely tired and getting easily winded but was just blaming everything on it being hot and the fact that I am entering my third trimester of pregnancy.  Wednesday, I stop by my nurse friend Lori's house, she takes my blood pressure because I am not feeling 100%, my bp is 168/94, high for sure but the only high BP of my pregnancy.  I call the doctor they tell me to watch it, which I do, it is fine.  I have my parent's bring their blood pressure cuff because we don't have one, theirs is a little machine, it also takes your pulse that the same time, I do it once while they are still here, my pulse is like 97, Dad makes comment about that being high, I ignore.  Friday comes, I go into my office as normal for Friday, I see several of my co-workers who are now convinced that there is no way I am holding this baby in until December, I see the HR Director and she tells me let's go ahead and get all your paper work filled out, just in case.  I go to a few meetings, one of my co-workers looks at me and ask, "what happened to your eye?"  Confused I say I don't know, I then go to the bathroom to look at it, oh there it is busted blood vessels in my right eye with a pool of blood in my eye, it grosses me out just thinking about it.  I have this odd feeling in my chest of my heart pounding, one of my admins convinces me to call the doctors office, I do, they have an appointment in an hour for me.  I go there, they take my BP, it is fine, they take my pulse it is 120...they are concerned, they listen to my heart and count the beats, 120.  Confused they consult, they think it might be thyroid, that would cause a racing heart.  They draw blood, then send me home for bed rest for the weekend.  The bad part is Rich and I were supposed to be in Gainesville at the sorority house as the fill in house parents not to mention we have tickets to the football game on Saturday.  So much to my disappointment there is no Gainesville trip, no football game, no sorority stuff, nothing this weekend but a few crafts and the couch, I am not excited about that at all.  So until Monday, I am just waiting to figure out what is wrong and what they are doing about it.  Let's hope this isn't the beginning of pre-eclymsia which is what I had with Jolie only I was 34 weeks when I got it with her not 27 like I am now.  Will keep you posted!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Girl's Weekend

So for Rich's birthday a couple of weeks ago Jolie and I got him a golf trip to Bay Hill in Orlando, it included over night and golf so this morning Rich and his friend Scott left for the golf trip leaving Jolie and I at home for our very own little girl's weekend.  I am actually really excited to get some one on one time with her as things have been so busy with work lately that I feel as though I never get to do fun stuff with her and with another one on her way in about 3 months I have to get in all the Jolie time I can find. So for our Girl's weekend we decided to make some fall decorations for the house and put them and others up and then we are going to paint our toes, Jolie is super excited about all aspects of the weekend except the part that has her Daddy away from her, she doesn't like that.

So for our decorations we got some dollar store fake pumpkins and made our own "glaze" to dress them up,  The glaze was made of some bronze paint from Micheal's (it was only $0.59 on sale) mixed with a little water to make it a little translucent so the orange of the pumpkin shows through, then for the little white pumpkins we got some glitter glue, also from Micheal's (6 colors for $1.99) and then again put some water with it to make it spreadable with a foam paint brush.  We then spent $3.00 at the dollar store on 3 items so that we could decorate the banister inside the house on the stair well, I absolutely love the way it turned out, it is just two pieces of the 5ft fall leave garland and one spool of fall colored ribbon to hold it on the banister, we twisted it along and tied bows and ta da!!  Once our pumpkins were dry we created a fall area on top of one of the shelves next to the TV.  Below are all the pictures from our decorating activities.

This is how the banister turned out, I think it is cute.  And yes I know that we haven't finished from our painting of the house because we haven't hung a single thing on the walls yet, although my Dad is coming tomorrow to help me so I can surprise Rich when he gets home and he will be so happy when he doesn't have to do it!!  I would like to have the living room done tomorrow so we can participate in Kelly's Korner Blog Hop of Home Tours, this week is Living Rooms and next week is Master Bedrooms and even though we just painted and got new furniture our rooms aren't picture and tour ready yet, I am hoping they will be soon!

Here is a picture of one of the plain white pumpkins before we added the glitter paint to it, I forgot to take a before picture of the orange pumpkin but just imagine a plain old regular looking pumpkin.

This is a picture of Jolie having a GREAT time painting the pumpkins, she really has a love of art, it so sweet to see her face light up with activities like this.

This is the finished orange pumpkin with our homemade "glaze" on it.

This is a picture of the space where we put the pumpkins, there is also a skeleton I painted several years ago at Halloween time so I put that with the pumpkins as well, Jolie really likes it.  Oh and underneath everything we used part of another dollar store item, a bag of fake fall leaves to set everything on and add more fall color.

After we paint our toes we will take pictures of those too to share.

But I want to show you how much Jolie is learning at school, she came home on Wednesday night between school and her Open House she was using her dry erase marker in her little number, animal, letter book that she often writes in but all of a sudden Rich looks down and she wrote her own name all by herself.  We are helping her write her e's better but we couldn't be prouder of her, here is a picture of what she wrote.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Catch up time....

So it is time for me to post about the last week since I finally have time to do sure has been busy in The Perillo House, here is what we have been up to:

Sunday (a week ago)- It was supposed to be a day of pure relaxation, after the arrival of the new furniture the day before and the following day being Rich's Birthday we were looking forward to a little down time, time to just watch TV and take naps and pretty much do nothing.  So that is how the morning started, it was quite, we went to the grocery store it was awesome.  Jolie and I went upstairs to take a nap in Mommy and Daddy's new big bed.  As we slept I heard a loud noise, didn't think too much about it and drift back to sleep, about 30 minutes later Rich came up to check on us, he noticed I was awake and told me to come downstairs he needed to show me something, I go not understanding what was going on.  He says I washed my hands in the bathroom sink and it fell, what?  Well he was right, we had a pedestal sink in that downstairs bathroom and it completely fell off the wall, on the floor, cracking the bottom pedestal.  I of course call Dad for his emergency repair services, he comes right over to discover the sink was never properly installed, great.  Well in order to solve the problem and have a sink in our bathroom I go with Dad to Home Depot to pick out another one, well we decided not to go with the pedestal and just get a small vanity and sink, well luck was some what on our side when Home Depot was having a big sale on vanities and sinks so we picked a new one and Dad installed in on Monday.

Monday....Happy Birthday wonderful Husband!!  That's right Rich turned 32 on Monday and for his birthday he got new furniture and a new sink, no just kidding, he actually got from me and Jolie a golf trip that he is going on next weekend, he is really excited.  We had a great day!!!  Jolie and Rich hit the pool while Dad put in the new sink and my Mom and I put all of our clothes in the new dressers, it is awesome to have plenty of room.  We did some takeout dinner from Olive Garden, it is Rich's favorite and then had cake that I made on Sunday night, it is this awesome cake and ice cream roll thing, Rich didn't seem impressed until he had some and now thinks it is the best thing he ever tasted.  It was a really nice day and I am glad that Rich enjoyed his special day.

Tuesday....The CRAZY work week began....I had a work with to do and a wine dinner that night so I left the house about 8 am to take Jolie to school and got home at about 10 pm for the day, of course I was exhausted but Rich and Jolie did a great job of dinner, dishes, her bath, and to be bed so when I got home Rich drew me a bath and I got 30 minutes to relax, it was AWESOME!!!

Wednesday....Another CRAZY day at work with proposals to be built for big events and yet another dinner to go to.  In the middle of the cachos it was time for the dreaded Glucose test, just thinking of the stuff you have to drink makes me ill, yuck!!  I also had my regular OB appointment which went very well, everything is Avery is good, she is growing and kicking and doing well, we went ahead and scheduled Avery's c-section so that is all set for Friday, December 17th at 7:30 am, it is so strange to be able to plan out her arrival like this but I have to admit with the craziness of a three year old and a full time job it is awesome to be able to plan like this.  I got the goodnews on Friday that I passed the 1 hour glucose test and didn't have to do the 3 hour test like I had to with Jolie, that was the best news of my crazy week!!!  The dinner was fabulous but again a lot of work and another late night, this time I got home at about 11 pm.  Again Rich and Jolie did a great job at keeping the house running and I was able to again get another much needed 30 minute bath into the schedule.

Thursday....My tiredness started to set in...I worked a full day but got home at a normal time, made dinner for the first time all week and enjoyed it with my family.  I was here to put Jolie to bed with Rich which was amazing and then not long after Jolie went to bed I was in bed, I even fell asleep before the Jersery Shore even began, thank goodness for DVR, I love it!!!

Friday...Stressful meetings in the morning, running around after that for accounts and then home at a half way decent time!!  The best part of my day, my parents volunteered to keep Jolie for the night, they picked her up from school and kept her until Saturday after the UF football game, it was amazing!!  My wonderful husband made dinner for us, we watched the DVR'd Jersery Shore, I got yet another bath, and then a massage from my husband, what a great night, it has been so long since we have had a night like that.

Saturday...A quite morning to sleep was lovely.  Rich picked up a Micky D's breakfast we laid around I got to watch the UF vs. USF game without a crazy 3 year old, again amazing!!  The UF game had my blood boiling in the first half but the second half calmed me.  We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching the other college football games, boy do I love the fall and most of all football.

Today....We did a family grocery store run, Jolie was a little crazy and had difficultity listen so there was no sprinkle cookie in the bakery for her, she didn't seem too upset though, surprisingly.  And then home to clean and get ready for NFL football, Rich had a friend over for the 1 o'clock games and I made a tradional Perillo Football lunch of nachos and then I went upstairs for a short nap to gain some energy for the late Redskins game tonight.  Jolie is awaiting her first chance of the year to say "Touchdown Washington Redskins" she and Rich have been practicing a lot!!  It has been a great weekend, I wish the weekend lasted longer and then it is off to another crazy week of work tomorrow!

Hope all of you had a GREAT weekend and got as much quite family time as we did!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Have been so super busy this week but I promise there is a big update post coming soon, hang tight!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, sweet, wonderful husband!! I hope you enjoy your special day, you are the greatest!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Not Broken, thank God!!!

So on Thursday night we had to go see the after hours pediatrician because Jolie thought she was super women and jumped off the top of this little climbing thing they have on the playground at school and bruised her left leg and then hurt her right ankle.  When Rich picked her up from school she had a little incident report and was walking all crazy so we thought that a trip to the doctor's was a must.  After seeing the doctor and all their test they decided no it isn't broken but yes it is sprained.  So Jolie has a tiny wrap on her little leg, it is actually cute but so sad to see my baby with her first nearly broken bone.  Here is a picture of her little foot....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Football is back....

I just can't believe that it is the beginning of the fall football season, I have to say I am so excited!!  Tonight Rich and I will watch bits and pieces of countless football games that we don't even care about for the mere fact that the College Football season has begun!!  Then we will prepare ourselves for what I am sure will be an exciting Gator Football Game on Saturday at noon.  I hope to see greatness from our new quarterback that will hopefully be leading my beloved Gators to yet another National Championship.  Not to mention that countdown will begin to the Kentucky game that Rich and I will be attending in Gainesville, we truly can't wait for that game, it is only three weeks away, how exciting!!!  Well, couldn't let the first day of the football season go by without a comment!!!  GO GATORS!!!!!  Also not to mention, just ordered the cutest maternity royal blue dress on-line for football games, it came in the mail just a few days ago and I will be breaking it out for the game this weekend along with the adorable orange and blue gator earrings my Mom got for me at a craft fair last weekend, love it!!  And a great reason to bust out my Ross Simon, Chocolate Diamond Bangle Bracelet I got for my 30th birthday!  Below is a picture of my beloved bracelet.

Again Go Gators and happy Football Season!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

House Update

Well, we are in the final stretch of fixing up our house.  We are down to finishing getting our Master Bedroom and Bathroom ready for paint and new furniture and then all that I will have left is the garage and of course Avery's room but that will actually be fun and pretty easy.  The Master Suite will be done by the end of the weekend but the garage will be waiting til about mid to late October as I refuse to do anything out there while it is 100 degrees out there, or at least it feels that way.  Although I think I might send an hour or so in the front of the garage by the kitchen door organizing our shoe bin and some wine stuff I have out there plus it is almost time for me to dig out the fall decorations and then before I know it I will be digging out Christmas decorations (we will be decorating and shopping for Christmas early this year because of the arrival of Avery Marie).  But make to the important stuff, with the exception of hanging things on the walls everything is pretty much done around here, I am so excited!!  My Mom is coming over tonight and tomorrow night just to help me finish getting all our clothes organized and the rooms ready for paint and then Friday is paint day and Saturday is furniture day....I am so excited about adult furniture, I can hardly wait.  I promise once the accessories are all on the walls and in place I will do a big post of pictures.

Birthday Celebrations Continue

We had a great night with my Mom, Dad, and Grandmother coming over for cake last night for my Mom's Birthday and we will continue the celebrations today with my mother-in-law's birthday, this is the busiest Birthday time of the year with tons of presents and cake but always a fun time.