Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life as a working Mom of 2

Okay, things have been quite busy and down right crazy in the Perillo House. I went back to work on the 16th and when I was working while pregnant and the Mom of one I had a pretty good routine going and it was working for me. My plate felt pretty full but I was managing and getting everything done with little issue well now I am officially a working Mom of two and I have to admit it hasn't been easy. First off I am just so tired....Avery's colic is pretty much gone now and her night time screaming is mild now in comparison and she is sleeping 5-6 hour stretches which is great but I am still getting up every 3 hours to pump so the really isn't any night that I get a "good night's sleep". I am trying to be sure that I pump enough everyday for her to eat and still keep adding to my freezer supply and it is a lot of work. I pump 3 times a day while at work which means I do it in my car in whatevr random, quiet parking lot I can find on the road and there have been a couple days I have either strapped my pump on wrong and leaked or spilt breast milk down my leg and I have had to see customers with a wet leg so that has been interesting. I have worked late two nights and had the Mommy guilt really hit me as I have been away from my children for more than twelve hours at a time. I have gotten in the groove of menu planning and still use sales and coupons to do well on that front and I only grocery shop once per week to keep me sane for the week, so that is good. The worst part is getting everyone ready and out the door in the mornings feels so crazy....two different drop offs for the kids is not easy but we are getting there. I have started showering at night to save time in the mornings and I pick out everyone's clothes at night as well to save valuable morning time but I still can't make it out the door in the mornings in time unless I get up by 6 am at the latest and start my day with a pump and a feeding of Avery. Jolie has been getting up in the middle of the night too so it feels like I never sleep, that explains the tiredness I think. Work itself is going well, it is really busy so at least I know I am leaving my babies for good money. The moral of this story is working while being Mommy to two little girls isn't easy but slowly aim getting in the groove and I know it won't always be like this but for now I am just going to be tired! Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who is totally in this with me, he has been amazing, short of pumping/feeding which he just can't do for me he has helped me with anything and everything I have needed and for that I am forever grateful. We really are a team and we are conquering life with two small daughters together!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So behind, I am just so busy and tired.....

Okay I am super behind on my blogging....I promise to play catch up over the next few is what I owe you blog....end of maternity, Avery's 2 month update, my first day back to work post, and a recap of the weekend, I know it is a lot....

The good news is I surviving my first few days of being a full-time working mother of 2!! I am just feeling it in how tired I am but nothing that the nap my awesome husband is letting me take now!!!! So this quick post is cutting into my hour so got to run, I promise updates soon!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Avery's 2 Month Check-up

So as a part of my last day of maternity leave I took Avery for her 2 month doctor's appointment. Dr. Anton says that she looks great, she is a big girl, and he assured me the colic will subside (it is getting better but we still do nightly screaming). He says her tear duct that was clogged looks much better and to just keep massaging it daily. For the colic he says continue with the probiotics and know we are doing the right thing. She got two shots and the oral roto virus vaccine, we follow the recommendations of the Americian Association of Pediatrics so we don't space our shots.

Here are her measurements:
Weight: 13lbs. 2oz., 96th percentile
Height: 24 inches, 96th percentile
Head Circumference: 15.75 inches, 83rd percentile

On the 17th I will write her 2 month post....

Monday, February 14, 2011

So I don't forget....

I just want to quickly blog this so that I don't forget.

This year I bought little Monkey Valentine's for Jolie to take to school to hand out to all her friends.  Her school just has you send enough for the class with the from filled in but not the to so that they can just quickly pass them around plus as far as I am concerned it is a million times easier on the parent.  So I decided that since Jolie has gotten really good at writing her own name she could fill them in with my supervision and assistance so I had picked up the package of Valentine's weeks ago because I wanted to be sure she had the cutest ones possible and I know the stores get picked over the longer you wait so I figured once she got home from North Carolina I would have her fill in a couple every night, well the week got away from me and we didn't fill any in so that meant all of them had to get done after dinner last night.  Well I have to say Jolie was amazing, she gladly wrote her name on all 20 plus her 2 teacher cards and then even helped me tape onto each Valentine a lollipop treat and put them in the Ziploc bag to take to school.  She was very excited to take the cards into school this morning, showing them off along the way.  In other Valentine's info we also had to make a box for her Valentine's so I got out an old Stride Rite and wrapped it in hot pink paper and then used scrapbook letters to write out her name on the top by the slot and then we put a few heart stickers on it as well, I think I will save the box when it comes home today as this took Mommy a while to complete yesterday morning, I know it sounds easy but it still was time consuming as I am a little bit of a perfectionist, I can't help it!!

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

The kids opened their gifts from Rich and I this morning, part of which were adorable little outfits with hearts that they are both wearing today and I have to say our super sweet, I haven't captured a picture yet but will try to do so this afternoon and I promise I will share. Rich and I aren't going out as I feel like it is just a crazy day in restaurants so I am making a nice dinner for two this evening after the kids are in bed!

We miss you, a year later.....

So I just couldn't bring myself to write anything yesterday but I feel as though I owe a post to my Grandmother who passed away a year ago yesterday so I am writing a short one this morning.

A year ago yesterday Rich and I were woken up around 1 am by our doorbell ringing, totally confused and half asleep we both ran downstairs to the door to find my Mom in tears at the door telling me my Dad's Mom had passed away and if I wanted a chance to say goodbye I had to go right then with her to the ER at St. Joe's. I quickly got dressed in tears and went with her leaving Rich and a sleeping Jolie at home. We spent a couple of hours at the hospital, said our goodbyes and had the priest come for her last rights. We all cried and mourned andthenwentto my Grandfathers to try to settle him back in as she had really passed away in her sleep at their home. I returned home around 7 am, tried to sleep a little and then rejoined family mid-morning. I have to say it might have been one of the hardest days of my life. I just miss her so much, she was such an important part of my life and of Jolie's life. She wanted Rich and I to have another baby so badly so just two short months after she passed and we found out we were pregnant with Avery it was bittersweet knowing she wasn't going to be here to see our sweet baby girl. I know God does things according to His plan but I sure wish His plan could have been a little different. We did however name Avery Marie with her in mind and we realize that she is watching down on us and I know she smiled the biggest smile as we welcomed Avery Marie into the world on December 17th. It has been a struggle this year without her but I know she would want me to move on. So here is to never forgetting the memories made but knowing it is time to move on.

I love you and miss you daily. Please continue to look down on us and watch over us. You will forever be in my heart and I will always treasure my memories of you!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Four Years Ago Today......

WOW!!! It was four years ago today I walked down the aisle on my Dad's arm and into the arms of the most amazing man I know. I look back on our wedding day with the fondest of memories, it was truly an amazing day, we had a blast. As my Dad likes to say him and my Mom knowhow to throw a great party and that it was but I also look back on the vows we made and their importance and realize just how much of them we have lived. We made a commitment to love, honor, and cherish each other and I find that four years later we are truly doing just that. My love for Rich has grown daily as I watch him with our girls it makes me fall in love with him more and more, he is so gentle and loving with them, they are truly a bright spot in both of our lives. I see the love from Rich with how he does the small things day in and day out, he makes me coffee every morning, he helps with the dishes, he does the laundry, and takes out the trash because he knows I hate doing it. We have truly formed a partnership that I could never live without! We honor each other with mutual respect, by no means do Rich and I have a perfect marriage but we have learned to respectfully disagree and that when we don't have the same opinions we work through it with respect. And lastly cherish....I cherish my husband and the family we have created, the three of them are my world and I work so hard to provide as much as possible for them and Rich does so much for all of us big and little, he is amazing!

The last four years have flown by, it might be because we have just been so busy or maybe it is because we just seamlessly belong together either way it has been an adventure I wouldn't change for anything in the world. I love you so much! You are all I always dreamed for and I thank God for making you just for me! I hope to be looking make on our wedding day together for the rest of our lives and I look forward to all the memories that fill our days, I know it will be a great adventure!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Colic Report

I am beginning to consider myself somewhat of an expert on the colic topic.....I have researched like crazy, I have read tons of studies and doctor's articles and recommendations. And with my new self appointed expert status I have to say my child is in her third day of being cured...that's right folks it is working!!! Avery is a very happy camper, she is pooping more regularly, her stomach is smaller and softer, she is just overall happier, it is truly amazing! I honestly couldn't be more thrilled that my baby is finally happier.

In other news Jolie is home and so super excited! Rich is probably as excited as Jolie that she is back, I even took her up to his work yesterday after she got home so they could see each other. It is a great feeling to have my entire family back under one roof! I was so happy to see Jolie yesterday, I really missed her!

Today, Avery and I are going to get Valentine's gifts for the kids and to run a few errands. Then tomorrow I am going to lunch with my Mom and for a little shopping while my Dad watches Avery, that will be really fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Colic Update

So I might shoot myself tonight if I jinx myself by posting this but I am going todo it as this blog cronicles the events of our lives. Last night was perfect, it was quite and we currently have a very happy baby and even better a happy, well rested Mommy. I know everyone is just dying to know what I did so here it is. During my many restless hours over the last several nights I googled "cures for colic" we started with the first few things we saw the gripe water and mylicon, when those didn't work out too well I kept digging and that is when I found it. The "it" was some research about colic and it's causes, this particular research says that colic is caused by the lack of good bacteria in the baby's digestive track. It list several reasons for the lack of the bacteria one being c-sections because this bacteria normally gets passed on from the mother during the time spent in the birth canal during delivery, obviously since Avery was never in the birth canal it would make sense that she was lacking this. So the article suggest some very specific probiotics to fix the problem....I don't have the bottle in front of me as it has to be kept in the fridge but it is from Nature's Way and is for children from birth to five years old. You mix the powder with liquid and give it to them just once a day. It was so far the best $15.99 I have ever spent!!!! I am hoping this will continue to help her, it has only been since yesterday but so far this stuff is liquid gold and if they are looking for a spokeswomen for the product I am their girl! More updates to follow as we progressthroughevery parent's nightmare....the horrors of colic, it really is an awful expiernce, I really didn't know that until having a child with colic, it is not only awful for your child but for the parents as well there is nothing worse than seeing your child sick/uncomfortable, screaming and there is nothing that you are doing to make it better, it really is heart wrenching for the parents.

In unrelated children news Jolie will be home around lunch time, I am so excited to see her, I feel like she has been gone so long, I just know she has grown and change and matured a ton and I have missed it and I don't want to miss those things.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Coming Home

I just got a phone call from Jolie and she is officially on her way home from NC!!!! I have to say it was nice only having one child at home and with Avery's colic it might have been a necessity as Avery normally screams at the top of her lungs from nine at night until at least midnight, sometimes as late as three in the morning but I am so ready to see Jolie, I love her and miss her so much. Last night was one of Avery's worst nights....she screamed full throtle until around 2:30, I cried from about 1 until about 3 am, it was awful. I am super stressed and just so tired with all the screaming! I have literally tried everything...this morning I even picked up these specially probiotics from the health food store and I am trying that, so my colic fixes now consist of gripe water, mylicon, and these probiotics and the normal holding, walking, swinging, bouncing, and whit noise, I hope things get better soon. I never could have imagined how bad colic is, it is the craziest expiernce I can remember in my whole life.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just when I thought the crying had stopped....

So I thought we were going to be in the clear with the screaming but I think jinxed myself with the last post because last night we were up until about 2:30 am, now I will say she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs but it was more of a whine so at least it wasn't ear piercing. I am going to continue on with the gripe water and just keep adjusting her schedule til we get it right, will continue to keep posting.

In other news, I am off to the sorority house bright and early tomorrow morning and Daddy is on Avery duty!!! Will have a post about all that early next week. Avery is up from her nap, got to run!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

And the sounds of screaming have gone away.....

Okay I don't want to jinx myself but we have officially experienced two nights of a non-screaming baby!!! I am not quite sure how exactly that gripe water stuff works but it is working and I am not questioning it! I will continue to post about Avery's mood as I am not sure that you all care but one day my kids will have kids and like I do to my Mom I am sure they will ask me if they did whatever and then what I did but unlike my Mom I have this written record and won't be relying on my memory because my Mom's famous words when I ask her is "I don't remember". Come on Mom, where is your blog from when I was a kid....oh wait there wasn't even Internet way back then, ha ha!

On to the day at hand today, I have a big sorority meeting this weekend in Gainesville and I have tons of information to put into folders for the meeting so while Avery sleeps today I will be printing from the computer and compiling all the paperwork. This afternoon Avery and iwill beheaded to Publix to pickup a few bogo's that start today and then most importantly we will be picking up some stamps so I can mail out Avery's birth announcements and I have to say they are so freaking cute, I love them, be looking in your mailboxes soon, maybe Saturday or Monday depending.

On a quick Jolie update....she is still in NC with my parents and loving it! It isn't snowing now and most of what they had has melted, however, the forecast is calling for snow possibilities Friday and Saturday. Saturday is my Dad's 60th Birthday so it will be awesome if they can play in the snow for that and then they will be heading home on Monday. I miss her and I am ready for her to come home!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just please don't cry....

Okay this is a follow up to my seris of post yesterday....

Last night 10 pm came and poor little Avery began to scream at the top of her lungs again, ready to pull my own hair out I remembered the comment left on my post yesterday from a friend about gripe water helping with both colic and fussiness, I figure Avery has at least one of those so I sent Rich on an emergency Walmart run to get some. He quickly returns with gripe water in hand and we quickly give our screaming child the recommended dose. I will say she quit screaming at the stop of her lungs almost instantly, it went to more of a light whine but at least it wasn't ear piercing. She fell asleep and then did a little up and down in the early sleep and only slept in three hour sretches but at least it wasn't the full on top of the lungs screaming we were previously experiencing. We will be trying the gripe water again this evening but as Rich and I discussed we will be giving it earlier in the evening to try to prevent the nightly screaming. If there are any other ideas out there I am up for those too, I will try anything at this point, knowing I only have two weeks til I go back to work and I feel like the walking dead and I only have one of my children here and I am not working, wow this mother of two thing might be more difficult than once thought.