Sunday, April 24, 2011

1 Year Blog Anniversary

In the craziness that has been our month of April, it has just been so busy,I forgot to make mention that on April 21st our little family blog turned 1 year old. We started our blog just a mere 5 days after we found out we were expected little Avery (it was long before we even knew she was a girl or had picked her name)as a way to chronicle our lives as we made the at times not easy transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4. We were so excited then to be expecting her and now we are just thrilled to have little Avery in our lives, she truly completes us. And then there is the fact that Jolie was just 2 years old then and now a year later we are about to celebrate her turning 4 and that alone is just so hard to believe.

Back to the has been a monumentous year in our lives and I think the little blog has been there every step of the way to document, it hadn't always been pretty but it has been real and it is my life and I am loving it! So Haapy Birthday The Perillo 4 Blog, cheers and here's to many more years of journaling our lives!

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