Friday, April 22, 2011


It has been a reLly long time since I have been this glad to have a weekend roll around but this is the week that I was longing for Friday after 5pm! Work was tough this week, it was full of issues and problems far beyond my control but that affected me nonetheless. I worked long days and later nights, my dinner plan for most nights got trumped due to time, the kids (well mainly Jolie) were wild and the week just seemed to stand still, I really felt like there were 7 days in my work week instead of the normal 5. Although our weekend is busy too it still seems better than working. Tomorrow we are baking Easter Cookies and coloring Easter Eggs, plus I have to do all our grocery shopping and house cleaning tomorrow with Sunday being a holiday, so it is going to be busy. Sunday it will be open Easter Baskets, church, over to my parent's house for Easter Egg Hunt and then Easter Lunch and then finally home to hopefully get a little rest although a friend and I had twittered back and forth about when Mommy gets rest and we have officially decided it won't happen until the girl's go to college. With that being said I am looking at 18 more years of dark circles under my eyes and dreams of the next Friday to hurry and get here. Although I by no means want to rush the seasons of our has been so special being chosen to raise these precious little girls. I want to keep writing their stories along with them, I want to keep watching them learn and discover and see the aww in their eyes when they learn something new. I love these little girls and I can't wait to spend a great Easter Weekend with them and my wonderful husband who started his role as Mr. Mom today and even had the kids out and gave me an hour or so of quiet time at home by myself at the end of the day and for that I am totally grateful.

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