Monday, April 18, 2011

Avery at 4 months

Avery turned 4 months yesterday but had her 4 month doctor's appointment today so I held off writing this post until today so I had all the information on her size to share.  Anyone that ask I tell them she is a big baby, I am constently trying to remember if Jolie was this big at this age and if it is normal to have a child this size, she really is that big and it was proven at the doctor's office this morning, she is nearly off the charts for her age.  I always remind people that only know me or don't know Rich well that my husband is 6 feet, 5 inches tall because both of the girls have his height as well all know they did not get that from me, although I do remind Rich that I did an amazing job "cooking" them in the oven.  So without further ado here are the stats on our "little" girl
height: 25.75 inches, 94th percentile
weight: 16lbs. 8 oz, 96th percentile
head circumference:17.13 inches, 96th percentile

WOW, she is getting so big so fast, part of me wanted her to stay smaller longer knowing she is our last baby but as you can see that dream is gone.  She wears 6 month clothes but they are getting small and I haveeven taken out some 6-9 month clothes and those barely fit as well.  This weekend we bought her a bathing suit and had to buy a 12 months size.  The way she is growing she will be catching up to Jolie before we know it!  Dr. Anton says she is doing great and progressing at a normal pace with her milestones.  He also cleared her to eat solid foods so tonight I will be making her some rice cearl and starting her on that.  I am hoping with the addition of some solids it will help her stretch out her bottles a little bit as I feel like all we do is feed her and that she is always hungery.  After the cearl goes well for a week or two then it is on to veggies, starting with the orange and yellows first and then the greens and after that fruits.  I can't believe my little tiny baby is going to be eating food already.

Avery's likes at 4 months are:
-being held in a sitting position and her bumbo
-chewing on anything, her hands, her toys, her burp cloth, blanket, anything
-bath time
-her big sister, she loves her so much and smiles when Jolie talks and sings to her, which Jolie really likes too so that is awesome!
-sitting in her bouncy seat watching Mommy make dinner

Avery's dislikes at 4 months are:
-getting dressed and undressed
-the sun in her eyes when she is outside
-not being able to see Mommy
-being on her tummy, she is not a fan of tummy time, which is funny because Jolie loved tummy time
-the 30 minutes to an hour before she goes bed, that is for sure her fussy time

I feel so blessed to have both of my girls, I was just commenting to Rich the other night how complete our family feels and how it already seems as though Avery has been a part of our family forever even though she is only 4 months old.  I am really excited about dressing the girls up on Sunday in their Easter dresses, I know they are just going to be so darn cute!  We have plans with my Mom and Dad to color Easter eggs on Friday night so I know that will be a lot of fun with Jolie and then in just a couple of weeks Jolie will be 4 years old, that just seems so crazy!  It makes me feel so old!!

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