Wednesday, December 1, 2010

30 Days of Thanks: Days 25-30

Okay, so I was on a roll there for a few days updating regularly but with a busy week of work and so much still on the pre-baby to do list I fell off the wagon, the good news is it is December and I am done with the 30 Days of Thanks and can stop beating myself up when I don't post everyday, at this point I am thinking once a week might just be good enough.  Although I am starting a new little series, it is going to be called my week in pictures and will begin on Sunday when I post a picture for each day with a one or two line explanation of the picture and the day, I am excited about it to say the least!  I also have several post to catch up on this week, including a how to on the Thanksgiving Centerpiece I made and took to my Mom's house for Thanksgiving as well as a little how to on the paintings I did for Avery's nursery and soon I will be ready to post pictures of our completed house and then I am sure there will be a few post about Christmas decorations and a few little crafts.  And then on the 17th will be Avery's Birthday and I am sure pictures of a cute baby and her big sister will take over the blog, can't wait for that.  But without further ado here are the final days of 30 Days of Thanks!

November 25th, Day 25:
With it being Thanksgiving Day, I am so thankful for the time with my family and a great feast of food.  We had such a great time hanging out as a family, everyone was there including my Mom's sister from Chicago that flew in earlier in the week.  It is going to be great to add another family member just in time for Christmas.  I know that I am really getting excited to meet her and Jolie can't wait to have her new sister so the month of December is going to be such an exciting time!!

November 26th, Day 26:
I am thankful for the help of my Mom, Grandmother, and Aunt who helped me get ALL my Christmas gifts wrapped, they are done!!  With the exception of the few things I have left to buy but they are DONE!!  Super excited about that, was so worried that I wouldn't be ready this year with Avery arriving but it looks like it is going to workout, finally.

November 27th, Day 27:
I am thankful for GREAT friends, Friday night I got to get together with my college roommates, we have sort of made a tradition of getting together for dinner around the holidays (sometimes even both Christmas and Thanksgiving) and again we were able to do it this year.  The best part is of the four of us, three of us are all pregnant at the same time!!  We were able to compare baby bumps and think of the 5 babies we are carry collectively, 2 of us are just having 1 baby each, you can do the math on the rest!  But everyone so far is healthy and happy and is feeling truly blessed for our children.  I have to say though that I am grateful to be leading the pack and that I will be delivering my baby first, I am really starting to feel the fatigue of pregnancy and will be ready to be holding my baby in my arms not in my stomach!!

November 28th, Day 28:
I am happy to announce that with the help of my wonderful husband we finished the last of the BIG items on the pre-baby to do list.  That included finishing the kid's bathroom, pretty much finishing Avery's nursery, re-doing our bathroom, deep cleaning upstairs, and setting up the bassinet in our bedroom.  I even found time to take Jolie to the Stride Rite to get new we did a lot.  Although I will say that my back sure feels the pain of all we did.  But at least it is done.

November 29th, Day 29:
Today was my 36 week doctor's appointment, I did my GBS test, don't have the results yet but last time I was negative so we will see.  But I did have a great appointment with Avery having a good heartbeat and measuring perfect plus the reassurance of Dr, Greenberg telling us if we go into labor now they won't be stopping it and we should be having a happy, healthy baby.  I am just so ready to be having this baby!!  I can't wait to meet her, I want to know if she looks just like her big sister (she sure did in our last ultrasound) and if her personality is like her big sister or if she is a little more easy going.  Jolie for sure is much like me personality wise, outgoing, demanding, and full of attitude, I am kind of hoping for Avery to be a little more like her Dad and be a little more laid back, I don't know if Rich and I can take another personality like me and Jolie, ha ha!!

November 30th, Day 30:
I am thankful for December starting tomorrow, first off in my opinion it is truly the Christmas season once December starts plus it is the month that Avery will arrive.  Today also marks the end of the best month I have had at work in a long time which translates to a GREAT mid-month pay check, just days before Avery arrives.  I look forward to even more things to be thankful for and will continue to remember that I am so blessed, it was really nice to look at all the blessings in my life this month.  I may have gotten behind several times over the month but at least I finished!!!

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