Avery Marie Perillo was born on December 17, 2010 at 7:50 am, she weighted 8 lbs and 5 oz and measured 20 3/4 inches. And I have to say I am just totally in love, she looks so much like Jolie did when she was born, it was like having the same child again....here are a few of the 100's of pictures we have already taken of her and our new family!
This is my last pregnancy photo, it was taken right before we went back to the OR. I can't believe I just put on the Internet one of the most unflattering pictures ever taken of me!!
This is Rich, prepped and ready for the OR.
Here is a picture of Avery being born via c-section by our OB Dr. Greenberg.
One of Avery's very first photo's after birth, isn't she just beautiful.
This is me holding Avery for the first time. Since Avery was born via c-section her Daddy actually held her first and then passed her on to me to hold for a few minutes as they completed the rest of my surgery.
This is the first photo we took of the three of us, Rich, Jen, and our precious youngest daughter, Avery. I have to say that she is the best early Christmas present EVER!
Here is Daddy Rich and his two daughters, look how beautiful they both are, he is going to need a plan to keep all the boys away!
This is Mommy and her girls, they are beautiful!!!
And here is our complete family of four, I feel so blessed!!
We are still in the hospital, probably til Monday but I have to say, this c-section was so much easier than the first and a lot less painful. We had so many less complications and things have truly been a dream with our new daughter!
Congratulations to you, Jen and the rest of your sweet family of 4! Parker is December baby as well and you are right, it is the best Christmas present ever!