Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So I am officially on the countdown to meeting my precious baby, I truly am so excited to meet her and get to know her, bond even more with her, introduce her to the rest of her family, and just settle in as a family of four.  But I have to say the best part is going to be not being pregnant anymore, I didn't love being pregnant with Jolie and it showed, ask my husband, there were days I didn't think we would ever have a second child because he hated me being pregnant so much the first time.  The good news for all involved is this pregnancy in many ways has been easier and better, even my husband will tell you I have not been on the emotional roller-coaster I was on the first time.  All that being said once you get to being 37 weeks pregnant you are just totally uncomfortable and folks that is where I am, totally uncomfortable, it is hard to move, impossible to pick up my three year old and just getting a little harder everyday to do regular activities.  So with all that in mind I am on a countdown and since I am having a scheduled c-section it is an accurate countdown so here we are with the countdown....I am down to just 9 days, that's right, single digit countdown!  I am so excited, I still have a few things to finish but I am so close I can feel it!!

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