Here is my completely overdue post about Christmas with the kids, what a great time it was. I have to say I think this was my favorite Christmas to date. First, Jolie was so excited about Christmas, truly into this year and then holding Avery and knowing our family is complete was an amazing feeling!
I forgot to get a picture of all of Santa's presents under the tree before Jolie started to dive in but just let me say that there were TONS of gifts under the tree from Santa, from Rich and I, from my MIL, from my parents, and just from our entire family. Jolie was so funny because she can read and write her name so she would look through all the presents and say "I think this is mine". She would wait for confirmation and then rip it open. She got so many of this year's hottest toys and a few other things that I think she is going to love. She hasn't gotten a chance to open and play with everything yet but I am sure she will love it all.
From my MIL, Jolie got a Disney Princess Scooter, she took it out briefly Christmas morning but it has been so cold since she hasn't gotten much practice on it so hopefully as the weather warms up this weekend she will get to go out on it some more. Here is a quick pic of her riding out in the neighborhood with Rich.
And yes she is out there in her pj's, she was VERY excited to be riding and yes I made her wear her bike helmet, I even told Rich I think she needs knee and elbow pads, we'll see if the Mom in me wins that battle!
My parent's hit the jackpot of hot toys of 2010 and found Sing-a-ma-jigs, I don't even know the best way to describe these if you don't know what the are so I am including a link to their website,
here. But my Mom and Dad literally bought these for everyone, they got both Rich and I one, both of the girls got two, they sent three to my Aunt in Chicago, they got one for each other, you name it. Below is a picture of our family of Sing-a-ma-jigs. Rich doesn't love them but since it was Jolie's only gift that makes noise he is living with it. Rich's is the green one, third from the left in the back and it has the deepest voice you have ever heard and it just makes me laugh!!

My parent's also got Jolie one of those indoor/outdoor tents with a tunnel, well actually there are two tents and you can connect them with the tunnel. However, Jolie doesn't know yet that there are two tents as I couldn't have my living room any more trashed with Christmas so we only put up 1 tent and the tunnel but let me say it has kept her super busy for the last several days. The day after Christmas when my Mom came over she played in that tent and tunnel for hours and allowed Rich and I to rest without hysterical scream so as far as I am concerned it was successful.
As you can see Jolie took several toys inside and made it her own little cave of play.
Santa was also kind enough to bring Jolie the one gift she wanted more than anything and that was the Ladybug Pillow Pet, she loves that thing and takes it everywhere with her. It goes up and down the stairs at the house a million times a day with her, she has taken it to my MIL's, my parent's house, my Aunt's house for dinner, you name it that pillow pet has gone with her. She is about to go to the play area at the mall with Rich and she is already begging to take the pillow pet with her.
She also received from Rich and I a responsibility chart so we can start working on the idea of chores and allowance, it is really cute, we got it from Melissa and Doug, I found an amazing website before Christmas that I did most of my shopping at, you can find it
here. The have flat shipping for $5 and the items were here in less than a week on standard shipping. We also bought legos, lace and trace, and pattern blocks for her from there, they were a mix of gifts from us and Santa and worked out perfectly. One of her other favorite gifts was a rough and tumble little kid camera that she has used to take pictures of everything under the sun, I find it so much fun to download the pictures and look at them, they are funny to see things from her perspective. Here are a few of her "best" pictures.

After Jolie takes the pictures she looks at them on the little screen on the digital camera and says "that's a great one", it is so cute. As you can see she might need a little practice but she has gotten the hang of it pretty quick although quite a few of her pics are just a blurry black mess but at least there are a few good ones!
She got tons of coloring things and coloring books, markers, crayons, art kits, all kinds of that stuff. She got some clothes and socks. She got number, letter, and word trace cards from my Grandma. She got a ladybug that lights up and puts stars on the ceiling at night from my Aunt. She got one of those recordable books from Hallmark from my Dad's sister. She got Uno Moo, which I have to say is super cute! She got a huge aqua doodle floor mat. She got so much!! Here are a few pictures of Jolie opening presents and having fun with Christmas.
This is Jolie with her "Cootie" Bug she made while playing the game Christmas morning with my MIL.
Toy Story 3...she loves it and has watched it probably at least 5 times already.
This is the sock monkey hat that my Mom and Dad bought for her while they were in North Carolina this fall.
On the other hand Avery got more than any one week old baby needs but not near as much as Jolie got. Avery got several different crib toys, she got a car seat cover for the cold weather (we need that right now), car seat toys, tons of clothes, she even as I said earlier got two sing-a-ma-jigs, she got money for her bank account. She had an amazing first Christmas, wish she had a chance of remember everything. Here are a few pictures of Avery from Christmas.
Now on to the most important part of Christmas, family. Here are some great pictures of my girls with my parents.
I think I have said it a million times already but I will finish my post with it again, this was truly the most blessed Christmas I have ever had, it wasn't about the gifts (although my husband did out do himself with my gift), it was about what really mattered, it was all about our new family of four and I have to say I loved every minute of it, even when I was sick for part of it (well I didn't love that part but it was a part of our family being together since it was complications from Avery's delivery). I hope that all of you were able to have as joyous of holidays as we did!